Stop the oil companies ripping us off.

United as one we can beat these oil companies.  

As we all know, we have been getting ripped off by the oils companies for years. Below is a break down of the fuel prices in Melbourne (Australia) Noting that the price of a barrel of crude oil is now below US$70 compared with US$140 a couple of months ago. We are still paying through the nose for fuel and we want answers. The oil giants, the fuel watch chief and the government say we don't see a huge drop in price because of the falling australian dollar. That is absolute bullshit. Currently we should be paying $1.25 for a litre of fuel(unleaded). Yes thats right the companies are ripping us off. No suprise there.

At pump: $1.40 of that,

40 cents goes to the federal government (fuel excise tax)

14 cents goes to the state government (GST)

We as consumers should be seeing a fuel at least 20 cents per litre cheaper, yet we are not. Fact is as soon as the price of crude goes up the price sky rockets. On the other hand as soon as prices plummit, we don't see the price drop for ages and when it does, it is not the complete saving we should get. Why is this? This is because the Fuel Watch chief, the ACCC and the government are a pack of spinless pricks, gutless wonders and a complete waste of space. They are to shit scared to say anything. Doesn't that give you the shits.